Our Services

Web Design

Custom quote

Every client site is unique, however the process is similar in flow. Every project has clear and simple pricing based on number of pages and the design time required. Features like Mobile Optimization, Google Analytics, SEO, and browser compatibility are all standard.

Milestone timeline

Every step of the process is included in a milestone outline. Design and content phases provide a clear step-by-step process to know what is included and help keep the project on time. Each phase of the website build-out includes 2 opportunities for design and content edits.

Ongoing partnership is key

We build a partnership with each agency we serve that doesn’t end when the website is live. Ongoing support, updates, and timely new features are all part of our solution to make sure your website and brand evolves with the latest trends. We provide multiple options for ongoing support catered to what your agency needs and fits your budget.

Website Edits

Is your website in need of an upgrade? Has it been neglected for years? Are outdated details such as former employees and locations still visible? Were you frustrated while trying to make changes to your website in the past?

We’re here to help; we can take care of any and all website maintenance services – ranging from simple text edits to complete website redesign.  We can fix your site if it’s down, remove malware, optimize it to make it run faster and more securely, and look the way you want!

If this is what you need, get in touch with us right away, and we’ll promptly address your concerns. Following an initial consultation to discuss your issues and understand your specific needs, we’ll take charge from there.

Online Advertising

Facebook Sponsored Posts
Reach new customers and grow your business and brand online with paid Facebook posts and advertising. The Rockstar team can help create a strategy and campaign based on your unique needs and budget.

LinkedIn Targeted Marketing
Linkedin is the place for B2B networking and reaching new clients. Options such as sponsored posts and Inmail marketing, we can create a campaign that helps you expand your sales marketing quickly.

Social Media

It all starts at the beginning…. At our first meeting, we want to learn about what makes your business unique and what your clients would say separates you from your competition.

We gather details from you regarding your strengths, unique offerings, office culture, and community involvement to put them in your playbook. These details assist us with future blog topics, social media posts, and creative marketing ideas.

The Rockstar Team posts to your social media profiles 4-8 times per month on average. These personalized posts include a variety of media formats such as videos, images and infographics, and articles.